The 14th International Conference on Exploring Service Science (IESS 2.4), will be organized by the Masaryk University, on February 7-9, 2024 in Brno, Czech Republic. According to the IESS tradition, IESS 2.4 will cover major areas of research and education related to service science and service innovation, including new emerging research trends. In the IESS conferences, the digital part of services constitutes a main component of Service Science exploration.

Contributions grounded in multi-disciplinary approaches to enable transdisciplinary services, are particularly encouraged. In this case, they will explore traditional disciplines, like IT, justice, medicine and health, economy, private and public administration, and engineering, in order to rebuild some of their foundations toward enabling the creation of transdisciplinary services.

The IESS 2.4 conference will bring together academics and service practitioners in a collegial and stimulating environment. The IESS 2.4 edition has a special theme Service Science to promote intelligence augmentation. This topic is to enlighten the potential actions to enhance human intelligence that can be achieved through Service Science, which offers a great opportunity:

  • to continue to deepen the previous topics of the last IESS 2.2 and IESS 2.3 conference: Service Innovation Roadmaps and Responsible Entities Learning, Service Science to ground Sustainable Development Goals
  • and to discover sustainable ways of setting up resilient and sustainable ecosystems by means of trans-disciplinary, trans-institutional, and transnational services systems.

While this special theme is relevant to all conference topics, the IESS 2.4 conference invites forward-looking studies that examine how service science can help individuals, organizations, societies, and countries develop intelligence augmentation to reinforce human responsibility, resilience, and sustainability.


December 11th, 2023 Deadline to submit papers  (extended)                                                 

January 8th, 2024        Notification of acceptance                                                   

January 15th, 2024     Revision deadline for conditionally accepted papers

January 18th, 2024      Final notification for conditionally accepted papers

January 22nd, 2024     Deadline for camera-ready papers


Authors can submit their work in the form of a regular paper or a position paper. Regular papers represent completed and validated research; meanwhile, position papers present new ideas or work in progress, which address any challenges related to service science and service innovation.
Regular papers must not exceed 15 pages (approx. 5000 – 6000 words) and position papers must not exceed 10 pages (approx. 3000 – 4000 words).


To submit a poster, the author must describe its purpose in the abstract. The possible structure is the title, description of the problem, and value proposition related to the conference topics. The presence of at least one author is mandatory.


Accepted conference and workshop papers may be presented virtually or in person. Although virtual presentations enable participants who are unable to attend in person to still participate in the conference, we still think that in-person presentations provide participants with an engaging and dynamic experience.


  • The proceedings will be published under a CC license by EDP Sciences on the Web of Conferences platform.
  • The paper must be formatted according to the EDP guidelines (one-column format) and be submitted on the Easychair platform by means of this link.
  • Every accepted paper will be reviewed (blind review) by at least 2 program committee members, who have no conflict of interest with the authors and the subject of the paper.
  • One person can be the co-author of up to 2 accepted papers in the IESS 2.4 conference.
  • Each IESS 2.4 accepted paper will receive a special DOI identifier and be submitted for indexing in Clarivate Analytics, Google Scholar, and ProQuest.
  • Instructions for the PhD students with a poster: Use Easychair to present the topic of your poster (authors + title + abstract). In the abstract, also highlight your poster’s relevance to the conference’s topics. In case of more than one author of the poster, all authors can pay the reduced fee.
  • The Flyer of Call for papers can be downloaded here